Wonderful people and a beautiful landscape day and night, up and down.
In the meantime, Cyndi Lavin has interviewed me and here's where you could read more
Here's an excerpt:
Is there a tool or material that you can’t imagine living without?
Glass and metal, fire and oxygen, good health and brain matter
What inspires you to keep going when the work gets frustrating or tough?
Process. Process. Process.
Work gets frustrating more often than I care to admit. Unfortunately, it happens when I have deadlines. Before, I would push to try to complete the task at hand. Now I often go back to basics and allow myself to be a beginner so that I can get back in touch with the material and the process.
Playing at the torch sometimes results in what I call carbohydrates; These are pieces that are so big that the wearer is guaranteed to stay on the ground on a very very windy day. I will keep working on a piece till I absolutely have to stop because I need to use the restroom and can’t hold it anymore
A source of relief for me is designing and making jewelry. I spend as much time designing with wire as I do with glass. Most of the connections have to be cold so I devote much time engineering and creating them. This process can be quite entertaining, especially when I succeed.
I like taking breaks and looking through books and magazines.
Let me know what you think.
Cheers :)